Thursday, 16 May 2013


For my vocal preperation for all that Jazz would do various warm ups at home such as scales, sirens to open up the voice warm up both the top and bottom notes, tongue twisters for articulation, lip trills, breathing exercises for breath control.

I came to realise that the song Roxie was somewhat low for me and so I had to make sure that I worked on that song alot to train and work on my lower range so that I was able to carry off the song without struggling. I done this by using sirining and humming.

For further trainging my voice I'd begin with humming a five tone scale and vary the way I sing. For instance I may decide to do the scale singing it on an A sound then change to an O sound. I'd also change whether I'd go up or down by either step or leap. 

There were times when I wouldt warm up and this sometimes caused problems when I was singing as I wouldnt always be able to reach certain notes without straining and my voice would become tired really quickly and really easily. It would occasionally be evident.

I found that when singing 'Me And My Baby' I'd begin to lose breath when it got to the very last verse as that's when my movement increased and I was running around. This meant that I had to focus on excersises that would help with my breath control and work out the best way  of using my breath so that when I sing the song I'm able to still have enough breath to sing when I get to the last section. I used exersises that would help to work my diaphram.

Unfortunatly for me, as a result of falling ill before the show I therefore wasn't able to see the result of my vocal preperation in performance. But however I could see much improvement in my voice I made sure that I adjusted so that I wouldn't shout various notes and use dynamics in my singing to show the range of emotions in my songs.  I also worked on "keeping it simple" so that there weren't loads of "vocal decoration" used.

Target: to continue using vocal exercises for further improvement on my voice and breath control.

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